Te astept sa ma iei acasa!
Eu sunt un catelus metis ciobanesc german, cu varsta de 1 luna. Impreuna cu cei 9 fratiori ai mei, am fost aruncati intr-o punga la marginea drumului. Acum locuiesc in casuta temporara. Imi caut o casa a mea si o persoana sau o familie pe care sa o iubesc.Sunt simpatic, curios, jucaus, cuminte si pufos. Iar cand voi creste mare, voi fi de talie medie. Am multa afectiune de oferit si o burtica de mangaiat.
Sunt mic, dar am un suflet mare!
Contract de adoptie.
Waiting for my home!
I''m a half-breed German shepherd puppy, 1 month old. Along with my 9 brothers, I was thrown, in a bag, by the side of the road. Now I live in a temporary home. I''m looking for my own home and a person, or a family, to love. I''m cute, curious, playful, obedient, and fluffy. And when I grow up, I will be medium in size. I have a lot of affection to offer and a little belly to caress.
I’m tiny, but I have giant heart!
Adoption contract.